Inspiring, friendly and committed teacher.

Tato is an inspiring, understanding and committed teacher. His musical knowledge is extensive and diverse. He is very capable, even when there are different levels in a group class, of offering each student something that suits their level. The classes are varied, there is plenty of room for interaction and you will learn to develop and use your own creativity and musicality. This gives you the opportunity to develop your own style. Drum classes include working on technical skills, rhythm, feeling, and playing the drums along with your favorite music. Percussion classes teach you existing rhythms and how to improvise in a solo, as well as creating rhythms together using different percussion instruments.
Music for tap dancers offers a good combination of theory and practice. You will obtain tools that you can immediately apply in your dance.
Energetic and fun classes, I highly recommend it!

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For concerts, recordings, percussion workshops, classes, or just saying hello

+34 616 06 97 50

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